How did you Sleep last night?

How did you sleep last night? How do you know in the morning if you had a good sleep last night? Caroline Gordon, our Fit For Industry programme speaker, presents a talk on sleep to the employees at Cross Productions, Niche Magazine.   The presentation started off with some interactive questions and answers which revealed…

The Technical Side to a Wattbike PRO

What exactly is a Wattbike and what is the technical side to it? How can this help with your performance?   Equipment in sport, outdoor and indoor is becoming more intelligent, disciplined and strategic for individual athletes from amateur to elite. More and more people are becoming educated with different training techniques, training monitoring, heart…

Wattbikes at Function Jigsaw!

  NOW AVAILABLE at Function Jigsaw! The Wattbikes! Watt bike classes, open ride sessions, group training, performance testing, circuit classes and more!   Feel the road under your feet and push yourself harder than ever, with the latest technology providing all the data you need to make training easier, no matter what your ability or…