Injuries in Isolation

Times of isolation call for creativity and imagination to keep our minds active! For those of you planning a little gardening… Function Jigsaw have put together a few tips and things to avoid, that may just prevent you from picking up an overuse gardening injury. Read on to find out how your body works… What…

Runners knee injury clinic leicester

Runners Knee Injury

RUNNERS KNEE   A common injury in runners…hence the dedicated name to the injury. This blog post will focus on the causes, symptoms, treatment and preventative strategies that you runners can do to help build strong and healthy knees! WHAT IS IT? Also known as, patellofemoral pain, chondromalacia patellae and patella maltracking or malalignment, but…

What is concussion - FJ Sport clinic Leicester

What is Concussion ?

What is Concussion? In basic terms, concussion is a Traumatic Brain injury caused by “shaking of the brain”, which can occur following any head/chest impact or whiplash scenario – perhaps from a rugby tackle, a car crash in or as simple as being hit in the face by the ball. Signs & Symptoms of Concussion…

why sitting is the new smoking blog post image

Why sitting is the new smoking

Why sitting is the new smoking?   According to a 2006 study by The University of Vanderbilt an average person on an average day is sitting for up to 12 hours of it.  Add to that the fact that up to 3.2 million deaths a year are related to physical inactivity and you have got…

Hip Surgery and Rehabilitation

Hip Surgery and Rehabilitation

Hip Surgery and Rehabilitation Whilst Andy Murray has had a tough few years battling and suffering with Hip pain, the three time grand slam winner, after hinting at retirement, underwent Hip resurfacing surgery in January. After a fantastic 5 months recovery, he’s back playing competitively at the 2019 Queen’s Club… and is pain free! Why…

health & fitness at work

Health & Fitness at Work

Why Health & Fitness at Work is important ? Workplace wellbeing Absence from work through sickness costs the economy an estimated £100 billion a year according to a recent government survey. It’s not rocket science to see that healthy employees make for a more productive workforce. So, what can you do to keep a happier…

Why are women at greater risk of ACL injuries?

Why are women at greater risk of ACL injuries? Women are anything between 4 and 6 times more likely to rupture their ACL (anterior cruciate ligament). The ACL is a major stabiliser of the knee, preventing anterior displacement of the lower leg and reducing the rotational forces on the knee. Most commonly injuries occur without…

easy exercises for cricketers-function jigsaw leicester

Easy gym exercises for Cricketers

Easy Gym exercises for weekend Cricketers Possibly the most important part of the One-Day Cricket World Cup is the amount of runs you can put on the board. We should expect to see a record year for boundaries at this year’s tournament here in England. Jason Roy’s record run scoring in the last few weeks…


What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping Therapy – Function jigsaw Leicester What is Cupping Therapy? Cupping is not a new medicine; it has been going on since 1500 BC. You may have seen professional swimmers with large, red, painful looking circles on their back and wondered what they are. We will try to explain what cupping is and its benefits.…