With the masters coming up round the corner and Rory McIlroy winning at the weekend, lets have a look how you can improve your swing, distance and consistency. Can Rory keep up his consistency for the Open at his national course, Port Rush?

Lunge and cable / band rotation
Either with knee down or knee resting on the floor, place your left foot in front. Once stable in this position, pull the band or cable from high right shoulder to mid line of body.
Cues: keep hips forward and rotate through shoudlers.
Benefits: stability training through back swing and follow through.
Muscles worked: strengthens gluteals, obliques and latissimus dorsi.
Repeat the exercises both ways 4sets x 8 repetitions.
Pallof press both ways
Standing with knees slightly unlocked and either a band or cable in hands, press hands out in front keeping them in line with the midline of your body.
Cues: knees unlocked, head up and pelvic tilt on.
Benefits: stable swing position and challenges at ball strike.
Muscles worked: obliques, gluteals, abdominals and deltoids.
Thoracic roll with a roller
In an all 4 position, and the roller outside your hand push the roller away and rotate before returning it back to the middle and then rotating hand up to the ceiling.
Cues: keep hips still, follow hands with eyes.
Benefits: mid back stretching and increasing in rotation.
Muscles: more of a stretching effect than a strengthening effect.