15th JUNE 2020.
Alongside our video consultations, we have been working tirelessly to put protective measures in place to enable us to safely reopen our doors. We have “stress-tested” the hub over the last week and are happy to announce we are re-opening for business.
Only one therapist will be working initially to enable social distancing. Internal doors and windows will be kept open to allow for ventilation and a rigorous cleaning rota has been implemented. Hygiene stations are located at the main entrance and toilet facilities, providing hand sanitiser and relevant PPE.
Although things are a little different, we always endeavour to provide the best experience and we look forward to seeing you again.
Both virtual and face-to-face appointments (subject to triage) are now available.
Book your appointment today – ONLINE BOOKING PAGE
Please watch the following video to see what you can expect, from booking your appointment to attending the hub.
You can rest assured that we have completed a deep clean of the premises and have strict cleaning protocols in place to ensure all surfaces are disinfected after each appointment. A comprehensive risk assessment has been completed and a copy of this is available here. All staff will be wearing a disposable apron, gloves and mask for all appointments and have been trained in the use of PPE, hand hygiene and infection control prior to their return.
We ask that you adhere to the following advice when attending your appointment:
- You will only keep your face to face appointment if you are symptom-free
- You will take your temperature at home prior to your appointment if you are able to do so. if your temperature exceeds 37.8 degrees Celsius, you must notify us immediately and we will offer a virtual appointment instead. If you do not have a thermometer at home, your temperature will be checked in the car park before entering the facility
- You will park in the designated car parking space and text the number provided to alert your therapist
- You will wait in your car or outside the clinic at the time of your appointment and your therapist will collect you – appointment times will be staggered so you will come into contact with no one other than your therapist
- You will wash your hands or use hand sanitiser on entering the building
- You will don the requested PPE when entering the building
- You will adhere to safe distancing precautions in place and follow the area flow through the clinic as directed by your therapist
- You will attend your appointment alone unless you are a minor
- You will take steps outside of your appointment to minimise your exposure to COVID-19
Following the Government announcement in relation to a 4-week National lock down from November 5th, 2020, I wanted to personally reassure you that we will continue to OPEN throughout providing clinical services.
Unfortunately, we have had specific direction around indoor personal training and we are I am afraid unable to deliver this service during the lock down, but rest assured our trainers will be offering challenges and online solutions to get you through this.
We have however received specific direction from our clinical Governing bodies* and I am happy to say that it has been confirmed that we are allowed to provide all of our clinical services including Sports Massage Therapy. We are exempt from closure under the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 because our work helps to promote health and thus take pressure off the NHS.
We have been over whelmed by the support you, our clients have shown to Function Jigsaw over the past months and we appreciate our services are now more valuable than ever for people who continue to endure huge changes in their routine, the physical demands of such changes have been clear for us to see.
During the first lock down I thought it appropriate to close down as the information about the virus, its modes of transmission and how to minimise the spread were very ambiguous. As more information became available the team worked very hard to put systems and processes in place to allow us to deliver our clinical practice safely.
Since we have returned, we have had so many positive comments from thankful clients who have felt very safe when visiting Function Jigsaw and we endeavour to continue to drive the highest of standards. We are and will continue to follow all the guidelines outlined by Public Health England to deliver a safe COVID secure environment.
What is important now is that we continue to be available to help you. We are and always will be passionate about delivering quality healthcare solutions and if by being open we take a small bit of pressure of the NHS then I think we can be proud of our efforts.
I am proud of Function Jigsaw, I am proud of my staff and all the practitioners who are stepping up during these unprecedented times and I am forever grateful for the genuine love and support we have been shown from our Client base and Allied Health Practitioner’s in Locally and Nationally.
Wishing health and Happiness
Julie Hayton BSc (Hons)
Managing Director – Function Jigsaw Limited